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Can Sunglasses Block Blue Light

Blue light, emitted by the sun and our digital devices, is a growing concern for the health of our eyes. So, can sunglasses help filter out this blue light? The answer is yes, but it depends on the types of lenses in the sunglasses.


Sunglasses and blue light 

Most sunglasses are specifically designed to block UV rays and reduce glare. When it comes to reducing blue light to keep your vision comfortable while working at your computer, certain sunglass lens tints can help reduce exposure to blue light from the screen.


Which lens tints? 

When looking for sunglasses that also filter out blue light, look for lens tints in yellow, orange, dark amber, copper or brown. These colors work to filter blue light and increase contrast, making them ideal for both indoor and outdoor activities.


Are sunglasses the best option? 

Sunglasses reduce exposure to a certain amount of blue light. But how much? That depends on the tint of your sunglasses lenses. Would blue-light glasses, often called blue-light-blocking glasses or simply blue-blockers, be a better solution?



Sunglasses can filter out some blue light from the sun and from your digital devices, depending on the tint of the lenses. Yellow, orange, dark amber, copper or brown tints can reduce exposure to blue light from the screen. Blue-light glasses are a better option for both indoor and outdoor activities.


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