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Choosing The Right Protection Index

The Protection Category Varies From 0 to 4. The Higher The Index, The More It Reduces The Light Intensity. 


THE SUNGLASSES CATEGORY 0: Are glasses of aesthetic comfort, they protect very little from UV.
      THE SUNGLASSES OF CATEGORY 1: Are advised for situations of attenuated sunning.
          THE SUNGLASSES OF CATEGORY 2: Are adapted to a medium sunning.
              THE SUNGLASSES OF CATEGORY 3: Are ideal for situations of strong sunlight: Sea, Mountain, Winter Sports.
                  THE SUNGLASSES OF CATEGORY 4: Are the most powerful filters:They are adapted to extreme luminosity where the sun reflects in the snow (mountaineering, glaciers, etc.). 



                    Sunglasses aren't just a fun summer accessory; they're also a necessary prescription for good eye health. Long-term sun exposure without proper protection can increase the risk of eye disease, such as cataracts, eye growths, and eye cancer.
                      Even short-term exposure can damage the eyes. Sun reflecting off water can cause a painful sunburn called photokeratitis on the front part of the eye. It causes redness, blurry vision, sensitivity to bright light, and, in rare cases, even temporary vision loss.

                        “Think of sunglasses as sunscreen for your eyes,”. “Your eyes need protection from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays just like your skin.

                        Make sure your eyes are protected year-round. Harmful UV rays are present even on cloudy days.”

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